丹佛 优势

This is The 丹佛 优势: A visionary campus framework plan 和 multiphase construction effort designed to fuel the collaborative relationships proven to help students succeed, now 和 throughout their lives. It grows out of our strategic plan, DU 影响2025, 和 our commitment to educate students holistically 和 prepare them to lead diverse organizations 和 communities.

DU District rendering

Unveiling the 丹佛 优势 校园 框架 Plan


Dimond Family Residential Village: Opening Fall 2020


中心主任 for Career Achievement: Opening Fall 2020

中心主任 Topping-Out: February 2020

Community Commons

Community Commons: Opening Spring 2021


The 丹佛 优势 isn't just about what happens within the boundaries of campus. Our long-term plan encourages a neighborhood culture that’s open 和 welcoming to on-campus community members 和 to our neighbors 和 visitors. Through the 校园 框架 Plan, we will activate our 125-acre campus 和 see more abundant retail, hospitality 和 restaurant options, 和 safer bikeways 和 pedestrian paths.

The 校园 框架 Plan is a glimpse into what the future might look like as we strengthen the 丹佛 优势. 

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